Monday, May 10, 2010

just a catch up

so lots of changes we are now buying a trailer in Alvin. I am so in love with its the kitchen is beautiful and big. Madalyn is finally walking and she loves it, if you try to pick her up she throws a tantrum fit. Madalyn says bath, hot, eat, drink, mommy, dada, cat, sippy, egg which is a huge thing compared to the boys vocabulary at that age shes so smart. She loves her bath she will go int0 the bathroom at night take off her diaper and yell " mama bath". Aaron is a trip he is so cute and wierd at times lol and not afraid of anything. Adrien is funny theres this plane statue coming home from houston and the other day adrien saw it and said "plane out of gas" every stoplight he yells green go red stop yellow slow down. Jeremys in Maine hell be there till july than hell come down for a month so happy about that. He was down for mothers day wekk which we had so much fun we bought all the kidos a new bed and a plasma tv we did that to get rid of our rent payments. Jeremy bought me a Dell netbook for mothers day im in awe i love this thing. Im still working at petsmart im in the middle of a transfer to one closer to me. We go 2 new kitties mimzie and layla so cute and spoiled since i work at petsmart gotta love a discount lol my dad is now living with me too so full house thats for sure im housing both of my parents now blah thats life though have to take care of your family well thats all for now

Friday, January 29, 2010

hmm i havnt written in like forever lets see the kidos have gotten so big Aarons speech has gotten 10 times better. Madalyns a little sneak and a little oinker she loves to eat lol. Im still waiting for maddie to take those first steps shes pretty stubborn, shes a speed crawler and gets anywhere she wants pretty fast. So were living back closer to my hometown now i love being back im so happy here. My husband got laid off but is looking for a permenent job here so he dnt have to be away from the family which is really nice. I got a job at petsmart i love it i get to greet all the animals that come in, its so fun. If income tax would come in were going to join the ymca were we can put the boys in soccer. Working at petsmart has given me puppy fever but this landlord only lets them outside and i couldnt leave a baby puppy outside.